Thursday 30 April 2015

April in the Queen Charlotte Sound

These dolphins weren’t interested in riding Picara’s bow wave. Instead the pod of 8 or so blasted past on some kind of important mission!

Check out the baby!!!!

  Maybe it’s been the progressively shorter days that have made April seem to go by so quickly. The weather here has been blustery but we were still able to make our way off the dock a few times for a little sailing and a little walking on the Queen Charlotte Track.

View from the Queen Charlotte Track above Torea Bay – that’s the Interislander ferry steaming in from Wellington on the left.

Mamaku or Black Tree Ferns line the Queen Charlotte Track

A slow downwind sail with the last of the afternoon light.

Picton at left, and Waikawa to the far right, with the trail-filled “Domain” park in the middle: a view from the Tirohanga lookout.