Saturday 31 January 2015

Tasman Landfall

"The Anchorage" at Torrent Bay, Abel Tasman National Park, South Island!!
Our first anchorage on the South Island was near Torrent Bay in Abel Tasman National Park -- we'd heard the park was beautiful and reality did not disappoint, although this spot was pretty busy. This is home to one of the country's "great walks" so has a steady stream of trampers passing through and staying in the campsite in the middle of the bay - but in addition there are numerous day trips run into the park from  the closest town, so by mid-day while we were there the beaches were "chockas" with tourists who had arrived via high-speed catamarans. The business certainly didn't bother us on Picara but we did hear some local boaters muttering about how crowded  the bays had become. I guess it's a good thing to make these beautiful places accessible to people who wouldn't necessarily walk the 20 km to get there otherwise....

At Cleopatra's Pools close to Torrent Bay

We also anchored in the park near Adele Island - we arrived there early in the morning and were knocked out by the "dawn chorus" of birdsong as we approached. Later in the day we met some friendly cruisers on the "Leeway": Lainey and Andrew are Nelson locals who have spent years working with Project Janzoon  to trap predatory rats, stoats and possums on the island which is now predator-free. The difference in bird populations between the island and the mainland was striking. They certainly had a lot to eat -- the cicada population was singing out at deafening decibel levels and we were repeatedly bombarded all over our bodies and faces by the big bugs as we tramped along.

Adele Island Anchorage


South Island Robin

Jungly bird haven on Adele Island

Cicada shells on a tree fern stump

The first seal we've seen since leaving Mexico! I nearly stepped on him, he was so sleepy-still and camouflaged.