Tuesday 31 March 2015

A month of land life

This was our view for the month of March.
We had a stroke of serendipitous luck on arrival to the Picton/Waikawa area.
On a whim we responded to an ad in the local Boating Club looking for housesitters starting immediately, not really believing the situation could possibly still be available…. But it was!
We met the super-friendly couple and their sweet dog that afternoon, and by noon the next day had wished them a happy vacation and were sitting at their kitchen table taking in the amazing view and pinching ourselves. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

And looking the other way....
What a nice change to stay on land for a while! If you’ve never lived on a boat you may not realise the taken-for-granted luxuries of land life, things like: hot showers, spending time in separate rooms where you can’t see each other, hot showers, the ability to raise your arms over your head while indoors, gardening, hot showers, and electricity, as much as you want anytime you want. 

Staying on land also gave us the chance to finally refinish Picara’s cabin sole without living in a pile of epoxy and wood dust.

Tipsy the dog was an angel and we had fun taking her for walks and swimming. We miss her but luckily have a little dog hair in Picara’s varnished floor to remember her by.

Looking North up Queen Charlotte Sound from Picton/Waikawa’s Domain Park, right next to the marina.

Intimidating swell rolls in south of Blenheim thanks to Cyclone Pam, which devastated much of Vanuatu but skimmed past New Zealand leaving the coast pretty much unscathed. (No Mike didn’t surf it, too darn big! We saw a couple of young blokes head out but they didn’t last more than 15 minutes.)

Marni and Tips take in the view of Queen Charlotte Sound from Mt Kahikatea.